Warm Potato & Green Bean Salad (Salada Morna de Batata & Feijão Verde)

May 09, 2016

Don't you love a good potato salad? I sure do! I'm pretty sure everyone has their favorite recipe, and since the days are getting warmer I believe this recipe would be perfect for  a good cookout or picnic. This is a different version of the classic potato salad, I love combining potatoes and green beans with a touch of lemon juice and cilantro for a little kick. Take a look:

Você não ama uma boa salada de batata? Eu amo! Tenho certeza que todo mundo tem sua receita favorita, e já que os dias estão ficando mais quentes acredito que esta receita é perfeita para um bom churrasco ou um piquenique. Esta é uma versão diferente da clássica salada de batata, amo a combinação de batatas e feijão verde com um toque de limão e coentro. Dê uma olhada:

5 large red potatoes, chopped
1 cup green beans, chopped
1 small yellow onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
Handful of chopped cilantro
Juice of 1/2 lime
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and black pepper

In a medium pot, combine the potatoes and enough salted cold water to cover. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer until tender. Drain well and reserve. Dry the pot completely, heat the olive oil over medium/high heat. Add the minced garlic and onions, sauté until onions are translucent. Add the greens and sauté until it gets a little tender but still with a snap to it. Add the potatoes, cilantro, lime and lemon juice. Season with salt and black pepper, combine well. Transfer to a serving dish. Serve and enjoy!

5 batatas vermelhas grandes, picadas
1 xícara de feijões verdes, picados
1 cebola pequena, picada em cubinhos
3 dentes de alho, picados
2 colheres de azeite de oliva
Punhado de coentro picado
Suco de 1/2 limão taiti
Suco de 1 limão siciliano
Sal e pimenta preta

Modo de preparo:
Em uma panela média, misture as batatas e bastante água fria para cobrir e sal. Leve para ferver, abaixe o fogo e cozinhe até as batatas ficarem macias. Escorra bem e reserve. Seque a panela completamente, aqueça o azeite em fogo médio/alto. Adicione o alho e cebola picada, refogue até que as cebolas fiquem macias. Adicione os feijões verdes e refogue até que fiquem um pouco macios, mas ainda com uma crocância. Adicione as batatas, coentro, suco dos limões. Tempere com sal e pimenta preta, misture bem. Transfira para um prato. Sirva e aproveite!

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  1. I seem to have potato salad on the mind this week. Every where I look, I see another recipe, and I've made two batches of my own favorite recipe as well. Yours looks amazingly good. Wish my sweetheart could eat cilantro. I'll have to split it in half and put the cilantro in only my share! Glad you shared this on the plant based party linkup, as I don't think I've "met" you before.

    1. Thank you for visiting the blog and stop by more often! You can substitute the cilantro for parsley if you prefer and still will be quite tasty.

  2. This reminds me of a favorite dish from my childhood. Thank you for sharing your healthy and delicious Warm Potato & Green Bean Salad with us at the Plant-based Potluck Party. I'm Pinning and sharing this!

