Zucchini Meatballs (Almôndegas de Abobrinha)

May 26, 2016

These zucchini meatballs are super quick to make, and they're perfect with tomato sauce and spaghetti. Take a look:

Estas almôndegas de abobrinha são super rápidas de fazer, e elas são perfeitas com molho de tomate e espaguete. Dê uma olhada:

Recipe adapted from here
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed meal
3 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 large zucchinis, grated
1/3 cup chopped parsley
3/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
Salt and black pepper

In a small dish, add the ground flaxseed meal and water, mix and reserve. Pre heat oven to 375F. In large skillet, heat olive oil over high/medium heat. Add the garlic and sauté until goldenr Add the zucchini and season with salt and black pepper, cook until the water evaporates, 5-7 minutes. Transfer to a colander to get rid of any excess water, then place zucchini into a large bowl along with the breadcrumbs, chopped parsley and the ground flaxseed meal and water mixture. Combine everything well, form into balls and place them in a buttered baking dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm and browned. Serve with tomato sauce and enjoy!

Receita adaptada daqui
1 colher de sopa de semente de linhaça moída 
3 colheres de sopa de água
1 colher de sopa de azeite de oliva
2 dentes de alho, picados
2 grandes abobrinhas, raladas
1/3 xícara de salsinha picada
3/4 xícara de farinha de rosca temperada
Sal e pimenta preta

Modo de preparo:
Em um pequena tigela, adicione a linhaça e água, misture e reserve. Pré aqueça o forno a 375F. Em frigideira grande, aqueça o azeite em fogo alto/médio. Adicione o alho e refogue até dourar. Adicione a abobrinha e tempere com sal e pimenta preta, cozinhe até que a água evaporar, 5-7 minutos. Transfira para uma peneira para retirar qualquer excesso de água, em seguida, coloque abobrinha em uma tigela grande, junto com a farinha de rosca, a salsinha picada e a mistura de linhaça e água. Misture tudo muito bem, forme as almôndegas e coloque-as em uma assadeira untada. Asse por 20-25 minutos até ficarem firmes e douradas. Sirva com molho de tomate e aproveite!

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  1. It's hard to believe they are meatless! Thank you for sharing this healthy and delicious zucchini meatballs recipe with us at the Plant-Based Potluck Party. I'm pinning and sharing.

  2. You know, I've never met a meatball I liked, but your zucchini balls look so good that I actually cannot wait to try them! I'll be sharing this recipe as my pick for Recipe of the Day on my foodie Facebook page in a couple of days, as well as other social media. So glad to have found it on the Plant Based Party linkup!

