We spent our Saturday at the Roba Family Orchard, we enjoyed walking through the orchard and picked some delicious apples. Afterwards, the kids enjoyed going through the corn maze, played rubber duckie races, jumped on the big pumpkin bounce, went riding on the cow train and spent lots of time playing in the corn box! Finally, we stopped by Roba Family Farms to pick some pumpkins to bring home too. Take a look:
1. Coconut Beach Coconut Chips are super crunchy, tasty and just sweet enough for me. It's 100% perfect natural with only 3 ingredients; coconut, sugar and salt. Perfect little sweet snack! These can be purchase in most supermarkets, but I purchased these for $1 at Dollar Tree.
2. I always eat Silk Dairy-Free Yogurts for breakfast or as an afternoon snack during break at work. I love the rich creamy and smooth texture mixed with fruit. My favorite flavor is the peach mango!
3. I love a good dark chocolate and Green&Black's Organic 85% Dark Chocolate is simply the best! I love the pure and intense taste of cacao and its bitterness, it's really well balanced.
4. I recently tried Mamma Chia and I'm completely obsessed! It's refreshing, delicious and amazing. Mamma Chia combines perfectly organic fruit juices with chia seeds. I purchased some bottles for $1.98 each at my local Walmart.
5. Brianna's Rich Poppy Seed Dressing tagline says "makes anything it touches instantly delicious", that's so true! I've been buying this poppy seed dressing ever since trying about a year ago and to me is the best salad dressing, it's perfect with everything.
6. Just Mayo is the best mayo in the market right now. I love to put it in my sandwiches and pasta salads and I also love the fact that has different flavors of mayo too, such as; sriracha, chipotle and garlic.
3. I love a good dark chocolate and Green&Black's Organic 85% Dark Chocolate is simply the best! I love the pure and intense taste of cacao and its bitterness, it's really well balanced.
4. I recently tried Mamma Chia and I'm completely obsessed! It's refreshing, delicious and amazing. Mamma Chia combines perfectly organic fruit juices with chia seeds. I purchased some bottles for $1.98 each at my local Walmart.
5. Brianna's Rich Poppy Seed Dressing tagline says "makes anything it touches instantly delicious", that's so true! I've been buying this poppy seed dressing ever since trying about a year ago and to me is the best salad dressing, it's perfect with everything.
6. Just Mayo is the best mayo in the market right now. I love to put it in my sandwiches and pasta salads and I also love the fact that has different flavors of mayo too, such as; sriracha, chipotle and garlic.
Naan Bread with Hummus, Roasted Red Pepper & Watercress (Pão Naan Com Hummus, Pimentão Vermelho Assado & Agrião)
Today's recipe is quick, easy and super delicious! Perfect for lunch or for snacking, the flavors combine so well together, specially the sweet flavor from roasted peppers with the peppery flavor from the watercress. Take a look:
A receita de hoje é rápida, fácil e super deliciosa! Perfeita para o almoço ou para um lanchinho, os sabores combinam tão bem, especialmente com o sabor meio docinho dos pimentões assados com o sabor apimentado do agrião. Dê uma olhada:
1 naan bread
3 tablespoons hummus
A few roasted red peppers
A handful of watercress leaves
Red pepper flakes
Warm the naan bread in the oven, as soon as you remove it from the oven, spread the hummus evenly. Add the roasted red peppers, add the watercress leaves and finish with red pepper flakes. Serve and enjoy!
1 pão naan
3 colheres de sopa de hummus
Alguns pimentões vermelhos assados, em conserva
Um punhado de folhinhas de agrião
Pimenta calabresa
Modo de preparo:
Aqueça o pão naan no forno, assim que você o retirar do forno, espalhe o hummus uniformemente. Adicione os pimentões vermelhos assados, adicione as folhinhas de agrião e termine com Pimenta calabresa. Sirva e aproveite!
I've created this pasta salad a couple days ago, and it has become one of my favorite pasta salads. It has lots of veggies, herbs and my favorite vegan mayo of all time: Just Mayo from Hampton Creek!
Criei esta salada de macarrão há alguns dias, e tornou-se uma das minhas saladas favoritas de macarrão. Tem muitos vegetais, ervas e minha maionese vegana favorita de todos os tempos: Just Mayo from Hampton Creek!
1 (1 lb.) box shell pasta
1 1/2 cups frozen carrots and peas
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1/2 yellow bell pepper, diced
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1/2 orange bell pepper, diced
2 green onions, chopped
A handful of chopped parsley
1 cup vegan mayo
Salt and black pepper
Ina large pot, bring 4 quarts of water to a boil, add salt. Add the pasta, cook for about 10-12 minutes or according to package directions, remove from heat and add the frozen carrots and peas, let it sit for a couple of minutes. Drain well. Transfer to a big bowl, add onion, bell peppers, green onion and parsley. Season with salt and black pepper. Add the mayo and mix really well. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving. Enjoy!
1 (1/2 k.) caixa de pasta de conchinhas
1 1/2 xÃcaras de cenouras e ervilhas, congeladas
1/2 cebola amarela, em cubinhos
1/2 pimentão amarelo, em cubinhos
1/2 pimentão vermelho, em cubinhos
1/2 pimentão laranja, em cubinhos
2 cebolinhas verdes, picadas
Um punhado de salsinha picada
1 xÃcara de maionese vegana
Sal e pimenta preta
Modo de preparo:
Em uma panela grande, leve 4 litros de água para ferver, adicione sal. Adicione a massa, cozinhe por cerca de 10 a 12 minutos ou de acordo com as instruções da embalagem, remova do fogo e adicione cenouras e ervilhas congeladas, deixe-as sentar por alguns minutos. Escorra bem. Transfira para uma tigela grande, adicione cebola, pimentão, cebolinha verde e salsinha. Tempere com sal e pimenta preta. Adicione a maionese vegana e misture bem. Refrigerar por pelo menos 1 hora antes de servir. Aproveite!
Who loves a good burger? I sure do! And I've been eating this california veggie burger from Wholesome Pantry for the past few weeks and I love it, it's delicious! To serve with this burger, I simply mixed some of pre cut coleslaw with Brianna's poppy seed dressing, to create a tangy coleslaw.
Add some fresh and peppery watercress leaves, some barbecue sauce and yellow mustard to your favorite bread, the combination of everything is just perfect!
Bon Appétit!
My kids are a little picky to eat vegetables and I'm always trying new ways to incorporate more veggies into their meals, last night I made this delicious veggie tomato sauce for them to eat with their favorite pasta: spaghetti! They ate everything without knowing that they were eating plenty of veggies too. Take a look:
Meus filhos são um pouco chatos para comer vegetais e sempre estou tentando novas formas de incorporar mais vegetais nas suas refeições, a noite passada fiz este delicioso molho de vegetais e tomate para eles comerem com sua massa favorita: espaguete! Eles comeram tudinho sem saber que estavam comendo muitos vegetais também. Dê uma olhada:
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 yellow onion, diced
2 small carrots, diced
2 cups baby bella mushrooms, sliced
2 cups baby spinach
1 (28 oz.) can tomato puree
Salt and black pepper
In a medium pot, heat the olive oil over high heat. Add the garlic and sauté for about 1 minute. Add the onion, carrots and mushrooms, sauté until veggies are almost tender. Add spinach, sauté until spinach wilts. Pour tomato puree, season with salt and black pepper. Reduce heat and let sauce simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly. Transfer sauce to a blender, beat until completely smooth. Return sauce to pot, simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve sauce with your favorite pasta. Enjoy!
2 colheres de sopa de azeite
3 dentes de alho, picados
1 cebola amarela, cortada em cubinhos
2 cenouras pequenas, cortadas em cubinhos
2 xÃcaras de cogumelos, fatiados
2 xÃcaras de espinafre bebê
3 1/2 xÃcaras de molho de tomate
Sal e pimenta preta
Modo de preparo:
Em uma panela média, aqueça o azeite em fogo alto. Adicione o alho e refogue por cerca de 1 minuto. Adicione a cebola, as cenouras e os cogumelos, refogue até que os vegetais estejam quase macios. Adicione espinafre, refogue até que o espinafre muche. Despeje o molho de tomate, tempere com sal e pimenta preta. Abaixe o fogo e deixe cozinhar por cerca de 20 minutos. Retire do fogo e deixe esfriar um pouco. Transfira o molho para um liquidificador, bata até ficar completamente liso. Retorne o molho a panela, deixe cozinhar por mais 10 minutos. Sirva molho com sua massa favorita. Aproveite!
A few weekends ago, we celebrated Sophia's and Ian's birthdays in our backyard with a sweet party for them. We decided to do a joined party in the Summer for the kids and they loved the idea! The theme was Up, Up and Away, with lots of hot air balloons, pinwheels and flowers. Take a look:
All the sweets and marshmallow pops were homemade and the beautiful cake was made by a friend of mine, everything incredibly delicious.
The printables are from MayDetails Etsy Shop.
I can't believe my beautiful girl turned 7, she's growing up too fast!
And my sweet boy turned 5 and just started kindergarten.
Happy Birthday, my cutie pies!