I’ve challenged myself again to have a word for the new year, I usually do this instead of resolutions because I feel it makes it easier to achieve it! And this year I need it more than ever!
My word of the year is
Self Care
Why, self care? Although, 2021 has been quite an amazing year, and I’m truly grateful for all the amazing memories, I feel I’ve put myself as a last priority. Some things feel broken, specially my body. And I’ve made a promised to myself that will make myself a priority no matter what. Self care is very important, that includes to take the time to care for my health, mind and spirit.
So, I’ve already joined a gym to keep myself motivated, to keep my body moving and to get out of the house a little. Health eating is a must too, but also to eat something that I truly love and enjoy it, and I’ll be sharing my recipes here too! Also, I plan to rejoin a book club and keep reading books that I love, I miss reading so much. These are just a few things to help me with my self care.
Throughout the year I’ll be sharing my journey with self care and also sharing a few tips.
Did you pick a word of the year yet?
Do you have any goals you want to achieve this year?
Happy New Year!